Saturday, March 5, 2016


i have spent the past few years regretting the negligence of a space i no longer fit. the lines have stretched out, the colors have faded, and it pains me to say a well-loved red dress sits outside my garage, waiting to be taken to goodwill.

on second thought, i'm glad the most recent load hasn't yet been donated. there are some things too precious to let go of. i have a house of my own now, with two attics, and i'm sure there is some out of the way corner i can give over to certain key relics of my past. i am, after all, a preservationist at heart.

for now, i'm claiming this corner for future moments to be pinned up in words, in the hopes they are hurtling toward me, eager to be on display, helping me put an end to the strange silence of the past several years.

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